It’s difficult to summarize Brazilian gastronomy. It's kind of like a good Feijoada, with a lot of different ingredients. The more the better. The base, you could say, came from the native indians, then we added the portuguese and africans influence, with a pinch of flavors that came with the italians, germans, japanese and other immigrants.
To complete our Feijoada, another important ingredient is the size of the country, with its many regions and different climate zones. With this you can have different versions of traditional dishes depending on the state you live in. The Moqueca (fish stew), for example, has a version from Espírito Santo, in the southeast. It uses coconut milk and dendê (palm oil), and has a milder flavor if you compare with the most famous version from the Northeast of Brazil.
During this week I will try to present some traditional dishes from Brazil. I selected dishes that can easily be done by someone that lives abroad and could have some difficulties finding the right ingredients. Ah, I also created a playlist at Spotify, so you can have another taste from my home country.
Bom Apetite! (Enjoy)!