Sweet potatoes reached Taiwan from Frujian in the 1600s. Because of the economic recession, sweet potato gradually became a key crop in Taiwan. The most flourish period of sweet potato cultivation in Taiwan was between 1960 and 1970. During that time, sweet potato was mainly used as feed for livestock and main food on the table. Until now, Taiwanese still really like sweet potato, and keep changing the dishes made by sweet potato. The rise of night market culture, allowing sweet potato dishes to walk into night markets and become a must eat street food for every Taiwanese.
Sweet potato: 100g (10 balls)
Tapioca flour: 50g
Sugar: 20g
Wash, peel and cut sweet potato into small slide pieces.
Steam the sweet potato for around 20 min or until it is soft.
Take a big bowl, put sweet potato into the bowl and mash it. while you mash the sweet potato add sugar.
Add the tapioca powder and mix all together.
When the sweet potato becomes a perfect dough, divide it into some balls.
Heat the oil until 180 degrees C for 10 min.(until it become golden brown)
Put the fried ball on a paper towel to remove the excess oil.
You can try seasoning the balls with sugar powder.