Cucumber salad is a dish that is commonly served as an appetizer due to its low calorie and high nutritious content. Apart from being flavorful, it’s also full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Not to mention the cost of preparation is low and the ingredients are readily available no matter where you live. Therefore, you can find cucumber salad in most Taiwanese restaurants across the country.
Cucumber: 300 g
Sugar: 40 g
Salt: 1.5 tbsp
Chili pepper: 1 piece
Chopped garlic/mashed garlic: moderate
Optional: 40 ml White/ fruit vinegar or Lemon juice , Sesame oil.
*Quick tip: best ratio for seasoning cucumber salad is cucumber:sugar:vinegar 6:1:1
Slightly tenderize the cucumber and then cut it into pieces.
Add sugar and mix it first
Then add salt to the mixture
Add garlic and chili pepper
Optional seasoning, you can add some vinegar/ sesame oil
Put pickled cucumber into a container and then put it into the fridge. In order to blend the flavors, it is better to refrigerate for a night before serving it.